Marketing Matches Made in Heaven
Well of course Rachel Ray should represent Dunkin Donuts. I'm not sure if there's ever been a more perfect pairing between brand and spokesperson. Rachel Ray isn't fat, but she ain't thin. She carries a bit of a muffin top underneath her tight camo t-shirt and mom jeans, and that's ok. She's the exact body type that Dunkin' Donuts should be looking for. Clearly she's a donut eater, but she's not turning into Rosie because of it. In fact, most people who frequent DD's would KILL for Ray's physique. If there was some sort of Pulitzer for perfect marketing marriages, this would win hands down. The marriage got me thinking. Surely this common sense marketing marriage will produce some copycats. Since athletes are generally some of the most marketable people on the planet, we are certain to see some common sense marketing marriages between sports personalities and products. Here are some suggestions:

Most people have taken the wrong angle with the whole PacMan Jones situation. Sure his antics led to the multiple gunshot injuries and one man will likely never walk again because of him, but what people have failed to realize is that he brought the phrase "make it rain" into the forefront of media's vernacular. He should take that momentum and run with it, and the rain slicker is the perfect product. Let me set the scene for the commercial:

The "royal we" over at they sometimes do--cleverly suggested that the reason Brady knocked up both his recent love interests was the result of him missing some health classes. A good guess, but there's no way the golden boy ever skipped a class. Instead, he probably just wasn't paying any attention because he was thinking about all the 17 year-old tale that he was lining up to plow underneath the bleachers after class. And if it ends up being true that Brady did in fact knock up Gisele, after receiving a hearty congratulations, he needs to capitalize on the exposure.

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